Archive for the ‘Fenugreek’ Category

Alternatif obat diabetes / kesaksian hulbah


Saya telah terindikasi utk mengidap Diabetes tipe 2. Dua tahun kemarin ayah saya telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini yang dideritanya selama 10 tahun. Selama itu pula saya sering melihat obat-obatan yang diberikan kepadanya. Dari yang normal sampai yang abnormal alias aneh-aneh. Berat badannya turun sangat drastis, sempat diamputasi kemudian akhirnya meninggal. Sejak saat itu saya mencoba untuk mencari obat-obatan untuk mencegah diabetes bagi diri saya sendiri.

Suatu ketika seorang klien memberikan pengalaman dalam mengobati ibunya. Saya mencoba mendengarkan ceritanya secara seksama. Menurutnya setelah mengobati ibunya dgn macam-macam cara, terakhir dia mencoba obat baru yang di beli di Amerika. Setelah memakan obat itu selama tiga bulan ternyata keadaan ibunya menjadi lebih baik, mampu beraktifitas seperti orang yg sehat.

Sesampainya dikantor saya mencoba searching obat tsb di internet. Dalam contains obat tsb ternyata ada kandungan yang disebut ‘Fenugreek Seed’ dengan jumlah persentase lebih besar dari kandungan zat yang lain.

Pertanyaannya adalah apa ‘Fenugreek Seed’ itu ? Setelah searching kembali, ternyata yang dimaksud tersebut ujung-ujungnya adalah biji ‘Klabat’ atau ‘Klabet’, rempah-rempah yang sering dipakai untuk masakan kari. Ibu saya bilang kalau dulu waktu masih gadis, biji tsb direndam minyak kelapa untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut.

Saat ini saya telah menkonsumsi selama lebih dari 2 bulan. Dengan cara di cuci, di sangrai kemudian di blender (kering) sehingga menjadi bubuk. Atau bisa juga dengan cara langsung di blender tanpa disangrai untuk lebih berkhasiat. Cukup dengan 1 sendok teh (terserah secukupnya…) diseduh dgn air panas, diminum bersama dengan ampasnya, 3 kali sehari.

Khasiatnya……. Yang hilang malah penyakit maag saya. Kemudian frekwensi buang air kecil menjadi normal yang sebelumnya sering sekali. Untuk yang lainnya silahkan coba sendiri, ini hanya pengalaman saya pribadi.

Berikut disertakan sebagian situs-situs yang pernah saya kunjungi.

Each capsule contains (Diabetrol) :
Vanadyl Sulphate…………………….2 mg
Myoinositol………………………..60 mg
Non Yeast G.T.F. containing:
Chromium (trivalent)……………….50 mcg
Glutathione Complex………………..60 mg
Niacin……………………………15 mg
Fenugreek (subfraction)…………….300 mg
Rutin……………………………..50 mg

The patent
“A key provision of the patent involves providing novel compositions and methods for the extraction and separation of bio-active compounds/compositions of 4-hydroxyisoleucine from fenugreek seeds,” the company said.
The newly patented composition can be employed either synergistically or independently with insulin to stimulate receptors located on skeletal muscles, glucose transport proteins and facilitate the transport of glucose into muscle cells.

Kegunaan biji klabet ialah untuk meringankan sakit ginjal, gangguan usus, aprodisiaka, demam dan rematik. Biji klabet ini juga digunakan sebagai anti diabetes. Sehubungan dengan kegunaan sebagai anti diabetes, akan diuraikan beberapa informasi.

“The true benefits of fenugreek lie in its long history of medical uses. For centuries, spanning Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese Medicine and folk medicine, fenugreek has been used all over the world. Fenugreek has so many usages – almost too numerous to count, however, scientists have been able to narrow down fenugreek top two functions. Fenugreek has the ability to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. With its ability to lower blood sugar, fenugreek may hold a special interest by people who suffer from diabetes.”

The effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on blood glucose and the serum lipid profile was evaluated in insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetic patients. Isocaloric diets with and without fenugreek were each given randomly for 10 d. Defatted fenugreek seed powder (100 g), divided into two equal doses, was incorporated into the diet and served during lunch and dinner. The fenugreek diet significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and improved the glucose tolerance test. There was a 54 per cent reduction in 24-h urinary glucose excretion. Serum total cholesterol, LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides were also significantly reduced. The HDL cholesterol fraction, however, remained unchanged. These results indicate the usefulness of fenugreek seeds in the management of diabetes.

Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and relevant animal models (Basch et al., 2003; Srinivas, 2005). Fenugreek is currently available commercially in encapsulated forms and is being prescribed as dietary supplements for the control of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine.



Saya telah terindikasi utk mengidap Diabetes tipe 2. Dua tahun kemarin ayah saya telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini yang dideritanya selama 10 tahun. Selama itu pula saya sering melihat obat-obatan yang diberikan kepadanya. Dari yang normal sampai yang abnormal alias aneh-aneh. Berat badannya turun sangat drastis, sempat diamputasi kemudian akhirnya meninggal. Sejak saat itu saya mencoba untuk mencari obat-obatan untuk mencegah diabetes bagi diri saya sendiri.

Suatu ketika seorang klien memberikan pengalaman dalam mengobati ibunya. Saya mencoba mendengarkan ceritanya secara seksama. Menurutnya setelah mengobati ibunya dgn macam-macam cara, terakhir dia mencoba obat baru yang di beli di Amerika. Setelah memakan obat itu selama tiga bulan ternyata keadaan ibunya menjadi lebih baik, mampu beraktifitas seperti orang yg sehat.

Sesampainya dikantor saya mencoba searching obat tsb di internet. Dalam contains obat tsb ternyata ada kandungan yang disebut ‘Fenugreek Seed’ dengan jumlah persentase lebih besar dari kandungan zat yang lain.

Pertanyaannya adalah apa ‘Fenugreek Seed’ itu ? Setelah searching kembali, ternyata yang dimaksud tersebut ujung-ujungnya adalah biji ‘Klabat’ atau ‘Klabet’, rempah-rempah yang sering dipakai untuk masakan kari. Ibu saya bilang kalau dulu waktu masih gadis, biji tsb direndam minyak kelapa untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut.

Saat ini saya telah menkonsumsi selama lebih dari 2 bulan. Dengan cara di cuci, di sangrai kemudian di blender (kering) sehingga menjadi bubuk. Atau bisa juga dengan cara langsung di blender tanpa disangrai untuk lebih berkhasiat. Cukup dengan 1 sendok teh (terserah secukupnya…) diseduh dgn air panas, diminum bersama dengan ampasnya, 3 kali sehari.

Khasiatnya……. Yang hilang malah penyakit maag saya. Kemudian frekwensi buang air kecil menjadi normal yang sebelumnya sering sekali. Untuk yang lainnya silahkan coba sendiri, ini hanya pengalaman saya pribadi.

Berikut disertakan sebagian situs-situs yang pernah saya kunjungi.

Each capsule contains (Diabetrol) :
Vanadyl Sulphate…………………….2 mg
Myoinositol………………………..60 mg
Non Yeast G.T.F. containing:
Chromium (trivalent)……………….50 mcg
Glutathione Complex………………..60 mg
Niacin……………………………15 mg
Fenugreek (subfraction)…………….300 mg
Rutin……………………………..50 mg

The patent
“A key provision of the patent involves providing novel compositions and methods for the extraction and separation of bio-active compounds/compositions of 4-hydroxyisoleucine from fenugreek seeds,” the company said.
The newly patented composition can be employed either synergistically or independently with insulin to stimulate receptors located on skeletal muscles, glucose transport proteins and facilitate the transport of glucose into muscle cells.

Kegunaan biji klabet ialah untuk meringankan sakit ginjal, gangguan usus, aprodisiaka, demam dan rematik. Biji klabet ini juga digunakan sebagai anti diabetes. Sehubungan dengan kegunaan sebagai anti diabetes, akan diuraikan beberapa informasi.

“The true benefits of fenugreek lie in its long history of medical uses. For centuries, spanning Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese Medicine and folk medicine, fenugreek has been used all over the world. Fenugreek has so many usages – almost too numerous to count, however, scientists have been able to narrow down fenugreek top two functions. Fenugreek has the ability to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. With its ability to lower blood sugar, fenugreek may hold a special interest by people who suffer from diabetes.”

The effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on blood glucose and the serum lipid profile was evaluated in insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetic patients. Isocaloric diets with and without fenugreek were each given randomly for 10 d. Defatted fenugreek seed powder (100 g), divided into two equal doses, was incorporated into the diet and served during lunch and dinner. The fenugreek diet significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and improved the glucose tolerance test. There was a 54 per cent reduction in 24-h urinary glucose excretion. Serum total cholesterol, LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides were also significantly reduced. The HDL cholesterol fraction, however, remained unchanged. These results indicate the usefulness of fenugreek seeds in the management of diabetes.

Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and relevant animal models (Basch et al., 2003; Srinivas, 2005). Fenugreek is currently available commercially in encapsulated forms and is being prescribed as dietary supplements for the control of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine.

Peace…sumber :

UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

FENUGREEK / HULBAH / الحلبـــــــة

fenugreek illustration

Trigonella foenum-graecum
Fam: Leguminosae

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The Epicentre Indian Spice Collection
includes amchur, black cumin, fenugreek, garam masala, green cardamom, panch phoron and turmeric in an embossed tin with recipes.
click here for more info

$30 (US) – $35 (CDN).
Call (705) 292-5247 to order

Fenugreek is a native to India and southern Europe. For centuries it has grown wild in India, the Mediterranean and North Africa. where it is mainly cultivated. A limited crop grows in France. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to combat fever and grown in classical times as cattle fodder. Commercially, it is used in the preparation of mango chutneys and as a base for imitation maple syrup. In India it is used medicinally, and as a yellow dyestuff. It is also an oriental cattle fodder and is planted as a soil renovator. In the West, fenugreek’s therapeutic use is now largely confined to the treatment of animals, though historically. it has been used in human medicine. The name derives from the Latin ‘Greek hay” illustrating its classical use as fodder.

Spice Description
Fenugreek is the small stony seeds from the pod of a bean-like plant. The seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular. Some are oblong, some rhombic, other virtually cubic, with a side of about 3mm (1/8”). A deep furrow all but splits them in two. They are available whole and dried , or as a dull yellow powder, ground from the roasted seeds.
Bouquet: Warm and penetrating, becoming more pronounced when the seeds are roasted. Ground, they give off a ‘spicy’ smell, pungent, like an inferior curry powder which would probably contain too much fenugreek.
Flavour: Powerful, aromatic and bittersweet, like burnt sugar. There is a bitter aftertaste, similar to celery or lovage.
Hotness Scale: 2

Where to Buy Fenugreek on the Internet
For online purchases we recommend buying through one of the reputable dealers associated with Amazon and their trusted and secure online ordering system. Click here to shop for fenugreek.

Preparation and Storage
Dried seeds should be lightly roasted before using (don’t overdo it though, or they will become bitter). After roasting, they are easily ground. A small amount will complement many other spices, but too much can be overpowering. If the seeds are required as part of a curry paste they can be soaked overnight to swell and soften, and be easily mixed with the other ingredients.

Culinary Uses
The major use of fenugreek is in curry powders, figuring in many mixtures, especially vindaloo and the hot curries of Sri Lanka. It is an ingredient of Panch phoron, the Indian five-spice mixture. In home-made powders, the amount used can be controlled, but in cheap bought powders it often overpowers. When fish is curried, particularly strong-tasting fish such as tuna and mackerel, fenugreek is frequently included in the spice mixture. Many chutneys and pickles incorporate it and it gives a tangy aroma to vegetables. The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in meat curries, dhal and vegetable dishes and chutneys. The seeds are an ingredient of the Middle Eastern confection halva. Flour mixed with ground fenugreek makes a spicy bread. In India the roasted ground seeds are infused for a coffee substitute or adulterant. A tea can be made by infusing teaspoon of seed with two cups of water for five minutes.

Attributed Medicinal Properties
Fenugreek is a digestive aid. As an emollient it is used in poultices for boils, cysts and other complaints. Reducing the sugar level of the blood, it is used in diabetes in conjunction with insulin. It also lowers blood pressure. Fenugreek relieves congestion, reduces inflammation and fights infection. Fenugreek contains natural expectorant properties ideal for treating sinus and lung congestion, and loosens & removes excess mucus and phlegm. Fenugreek is also an excellent source of selenium, an anti-radiant which helps the body utilize oxygen. Fenugreek is a natural source of iron, silicon, sodium and thiamine. Fenugreek contains mucilagins which are known for soothing and relaxing inflamed tissues. Fenugreek stimulates the production of mucosal fluids helping remove allergens and toxins from the respiratory tract. Acting as an expectorant, Fenugreek alleviates coughing, stimulates perspiration to reduce fevers, and is beneficial for treating allergies, bronchitis and congestion. In the East, beverages are made from the seed to ease stomach trouble. The chemical make-up is curiously similar to cod liver oil, for which a decoction of the seed is sometimes used as a substitute. Many other properties are ascribed to it in India and the East and not surprisingly include aphrodisiac.

Fenugreek seeds contain alkaloids, including trigonelline, gentianine and carpaine compounds. The seeds also contain fiber, 4-hydroxyisoleucine and fenugreekine, a component that may have hypoglycemic activity. The mechanism is thought to delay gastric emptying, slow carbohydrate absorption and inhibit glucose transport.

Fenugreek may also increase the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells and improve glucose utilization in peripheral tissues, thus demonstrating potential anti-diabetes effects both in the pancreas and other sites. The amino acid 4- hydroxyisoleucine, contained in the seeds, may also directly stimulate insulin secretion.

Plant Description and Cultivation
An erect hairy annual of the bean family, reaching 30-60 cm (1-2 ft.). The long slender stems bear tripartite, toothed, grey-green obovate leaves, 20-25 mm (3/4-1 in) long. The root is a mass of fingery structures. The sissile axillary flowers are white or pale yellow. The thin, sword-shaped pods are 10-15 cm (4-6 in), with a curved beak-like tip, each carrying 10-20 seeds. The plant radiates a spicy odour which persists on the hands after touching. Wild and cultivated varieties exist. Mild Mediterranean climates are most suitable. Plants mature in about four months. The whole plant is uprooted and allowed to dry. The seeds are threshed out and further dried.

Other Names
Bird’s Foot, Foenugreek, Goat’s Horn
French: fenugrec Sénegré, trigonelle
German: Bockshornklee, Griechisches Heu
Italian: fieno greco
Spanish: alholva, fenogreco
Indian: mayti, methe, methi
Tamil: venthium
Malay: alba
Sinhalese; uluhaal

Recipes using fenugreek
Try Vindaloo and Dhal.

Fenugreek is included in our Indian Spice Collection

UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

HULBAH / 10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Darah

10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Darah – Anda penderita Diabetes? Jika kadar gula darah Anda bermasalah, tak ada salahnya mencoba 10 bahan berikut yang membantu menurunkan gula darah, meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan kolesterol, dan beberapa manfaat lain.

1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 200 – 250 miligram per hari. Nama Hindi tumbuhan ini berarti ‘penghancur gula’, dan tanaman ini dikatakan memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan kemampuan mendeteksi rasa manis. Tanaman ini dianggap sebagai tanaman paling kuat untuk mengendalikan gula darah. Kemungkinan besar, cara kerjanya adalah dengan meningkatkan aktivitas enzim yang membantu sel tubuh untuk menggunakan glukosa atau dengan merangsang produksi insulin. Walaupun belum ada penelitian intensif, tapi belum ditemukan adanya efek samping serius untuk penggunaan tanaman ini.

2. Pare
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 50 – 100 mililiter (3-6 sdm) jus per hari. Pare yang pahit ini dianggap mampu membantu sel menggunakan glukosa secara lebih efektif dan meredam penyerapan gula di dalam usus. Para peneliti di Filipina yang meneliti konsumsi pare kepada pria dan wanita dalam bentuk kapsul selama 3 bulan menemukan adanya penurunan gula darah, walaupun sedikit, tetapi konstan. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah masalah pencernaan, tapi tidak jelas apa.

3. Magnesium
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 250 – 350 miligram per hari. Kekurangan magnesium tidak jarang ditemui sebagai salah satu penyebab diabetes, bahkan gejala ini memperburuk kondisi gula darah dan resistansi insulin. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen magnesium dapat memperbaiki fungsi insulin dan menurunkan gula darah. Coba konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengkonsumsi insulin.

4. Prickly Pear Cactus (Daging buah kaktus)
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: jika dikonsumsi sebagai makanan, 150 gram rebusan kaktus per hari. Buah matang dari kaktus ini mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh. Bentuk yang bisa ditemui adalah dalam bentuk buah, atau jus, atau bubuk. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa buah ini menurunkan kadar gula darah karena adanya komponen yang mirip dengan insulin. Buah ini juga tinggi kadar seratnya.

5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Asam Linoleat Gamma)
Fungsi utama: Mengurangi sakit saraf
Dosis umum: 270 – 540 milligrams sekali per hari. Asam Linoleat Gamma, atau GLA adalah asam lemak yang ditemukan dalam minyak bunga evening primrose. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita diabetes adalah orang yang memiliki level GLA rendah dalam darah, dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen ini dapat menurunkan, bahkan mencegah sakit di saraf yang muncul akibat diabetes

6. Chromium (Krom)
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan kadar gula
Dosis umum: 200 mikrogram per hari.

Mineral ini dianggap mampu meningkatkan kinerja insulin dan terlibat juga dalam metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Beberapa penelituan menunjukkan bahwa mineral ini membantu menurunkan gula darah, tapi hanya untuk mereka yang memang kekurangan krom.

7. Bilberry
Fungsi utama: Melindungi mata dan syaraf
Dosis umum: 80-120 miligram standar billberry extract per hari. Saudara blueberry ini memiliki antioksidan kuat dalam buah dan daunnya. Antioksidan yang dinamai antosianidin ini, membantu mencegah kerusakan sel darah kecil yang dapat merusak saraf dan retina mata. Penelitian terhadap hewan menunjukkan adanya penurunan gula darah juga akibat konsumsi buah

8. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Asam Alpha Lopoic)
Fungsi utama: Mengurangi rasa sakit syaraf, dan menurunkan kadar gula darah
Dosis umum: 600-800 miligram per hari.
Disingkat ALA, bahan yang mirip vitamin ini menetralkan berbagai radikal bebas. Pembentukan radikal bebas adalah salah satu faktor peningkatan gula darah, dapat membuat kerusakan saraf dan berbagai masalah lain. ALA jg mampu membantu sel otot untuk menyerap gula darah. Di salah satu penelitian di Jerman, sekelompok peneliti memerika 40 orang dewasa yang mengkonsumsi ALA dan placebo. Di akhir studi selama 4 minggu, ditemukan bahwa ALA meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin sebanyak 27 persen.

9. Fenugreek
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 5 sampai 30 gram setuap makan, atau 15 sampai 90 gr per hari. Biji-bijian yang digunakan sebagai bumbu masakan India ini mampu menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin, dan menurunkan kolesterol, menurut beberapa penelitian. Efek ini mungkin timbul karena tingginya kadar serat. Bijinya jg mengandung asam amino yang meningkatkan produksi insulin. Di salah satu penelitian terhadap fenugreek, 60 orang yang mengkonsumsi 25 gr bumbu ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik terhadap pengendalian gula darah.

10. Ginseng
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 1-3 gram per hari dalam bentuk kapsul atau tablet, 3-5 mililiter dalam bentuk tincture 3kali sehari. Dikenal karena kemampuannya yang mendorong sistem kekebalan tubuh, ginseng ini memiliki beberapa hasil positif mengenai diabetes. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa ginseng memperlambat penyerapan karbohidrat, meningkatkan kemampuan sel dalam menyerap glukosa, dan meningkatkan pelepasan insulin dari pankreas. Ditemukan juga di Toronto dalam suatu penelitian, bahwa ginseng mampu menurunkan kadar gula sampai 15-20 persen.

Tak ada salahnya Anda mencoba suplemen alami tersebut, tapi ada baiknya konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengonsumsinya. Jika tidak ada perubahan setelah satu atau dua bulan, hentikan dan jangan buang-bunga lagi uang Anda. Salam sehat! (kpl/wiedy/rit)

Sumber :

Alternatif obat diabetes / kesaksian hulbah


Saya telah terindikasi utk mengidap Diabetes tipe 2. Dua tahun kemarin ayah saya telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini yang dideritanya selama 10 tahun. Selama itu pula saya sering melihat obat-obatan yang diberikan kepadanya. Dari yang normal sampai yang abnormal alias aneh-aneh. Berat badannya turun sangat drastis, sempat diamputasi kemudian akhirnya meninggal. Sejak saat itu saya mencoba untuk mencari obat-obatan untuk mencegah diabetes bagi diri saya sendiri.

Suatu ketika seorang klien memberikan pengalaman dalam mengobati ibunya. Saya mencoba mendengarkan ceritanya secara seksama. Menurutnya setelah mengobati ibunya dgn macam-macam cara, terakhir dia mencoba obat baru yang di beli di Amerika. Setelah memakan obat itu selama tiga bulan ternyata keadaan ibunya menjadi lebih baik, mampu beraktifitas seperti orang yg sehat.

Sesampainya dikantor saya mencoba searching obat tsb di internet. Dalam contains obat tsb ternyata ada kandungan yang disebut ‘Fenugreek Seed’ dengan jumlah persentase lebih besar dari kandungan zat yang lain.

Pertanyaannya adalah apa ‘Fenugreek Seed’ itu ? Setelah searching kembali, ternyata yang dimaksud tersebut ujung-ujungnya adalah biji ‘Klabat’ atau ‘Klabet’, rempah-rempah yang sering dipakai untuk masakan kari. Ibu saya bilang kalau dulu waktu masih gadis, biji tsb direndam minyak kelapa untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut.

Saat ini saya telah menkonsumsi selama lebih dari 2 bulan. Dengan cara di cuci, di sangrai kemudian di blender (kering) sehingga menjadi bubuk. Atau bisa juga dengan cara langsung di blender tanpa disangrai untuk lebih berkhasiat. Cukup dengan 1 sendok teh (terserah secukupnya…) diseduh dgn air panas, diminum bersama dengan ampasnya, 3 kali sehari.

Khasiatnya……. Yang hilang malah penyakit maag saya. Kemudian frekwensi buang air kecil menjadi normal yang sebelumnya sering sekali. Untuk yang lainnya silahkan coba sendiri, ini hanya pengalaman saya pribadi.

Berikut disertakan sebagian situs-situs yang pernah saya kunjungi.

Each capsule contains (Diabetrol) :
Vanadyl Sulphate…………………….2 mg
Myoinositol………………………..60 mg
Non Yeast G.T.F. containing:
Chromium (trivalent)……………….50 mcg
Glutathione Complex………………..60 mg
Niacin……………………………15 mg
Fenugreek (subfraction)…………….300 mg
Rutin……………………………..50 mg

The patent
“A key provision of the patent involves providing novel compositions and methods for the extraction and separation of bio-active compounds/compositions of 4-hydroxyisoleucine from fenugreek seeds,” the company said.
The newly patented composition can be employed either synergistically or independently with insulin to stimulate receptors located on skeletal muscles, glucose transport proteins and facilitate the transport of glucose into muscle cells.

Kegunaan biji klabet ialah untuk meringankan sakit ginjal, gangguan usus, aprodisiaka, demam dan rematik. Biji klabet ini juga digunakan sebagai anti diabetes. Sehubungan dengan kegunaan sebagai anti diabetes, akan diuraikan beberapa informasi.

“The true benefits of fenugreek lie in its long history of medical uses. For centuries, spanning Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese Medicine and folk medicine, fenugreek has been used all over the world. Fenugreek has so many usages – almost too numerous to count, however, scientists have been able to narrow down fenugreek top two functions. Fenugreek has the ability to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. With its ability to lower blood sugar, fenugreek may hold a special interest by people who suffer from diabetes.”

The effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on blood glucose and the serum lipid profile was evaluated in insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetic patients. Isocaloric diets with and without fenugreek were each given randomly for 10 d. Defatted fenugreek seed powder (100 g), divided into two equal doses, was incorporated into the diet and served during lunch and dinner. The fenugreek diet significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and improved the glucose tolerance test. There was a 54 per cent reduction in 24-h urinary glucose excretion. Serum total cholesterol, LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides were also significantly reduced. The HDL cholesterol fraction, however, remained unchanged. These results indicate the usefulness of fenugreek seeds in the management of diabetes.

Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and relevant animal models (Basch et al., 2003; Srinivas, 2005). Fenugreek is currently available commercially in encapsulated forms and is being prescribed as dietary supplements for the control of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine.



Saya telah terindikasi utk mengidap Diabetes tipe 2. Dua tahun kemarin ayah saya telah meninggal akibat penyakit ini yang dideritanya selama 10 tahun. Selama itu pula saya sering melihat obat-obatan yang diberikan kepadanya. Dari yang normal sampai yang abnormal alias aneh-aneh. Berat badannya turun sangat drastis, sempat diamputasi kemudian akhirnya meninggal. Sejak saat itu saya mencoba untuk mencari obat-obatan untuk mencegah diabetes bagi diri saya sendiri.

Suatu ketika seorang klien memberikan pengalaman dalam mengobati ibunya. Saya mencoba mendengarkan ceritanya secara seksama. Menurutnya setelah mengobati ibunya dgn macam-macam cara, terakhir dia mencoba obat baru yang di beli di Amerika. Setelah memakan obat itu selama tiga bulan ternyata keadaan ibunya menjadi lebih baik, mampu beraktifitas seperti orang yg sehat.

Sesampainya dikantor saya mencoba searching obat tsb di internet. Dalam contains obat tsb ternyata ada kandungan yang disebut ‘Fenugreek Seed’ dengan jumlah persentase lebih besar dari kandungan zat yang lain.

Pertanyaannya adalah apa ‘Fenugreek Seed’ itu ? Setelah searching kembali, ternyata yang dimaksud tersebut ujung-ujungnya adalah biji ‘Klabat’ atau ‘Klabet’, rempah-rempah yang sering dipakai untuk masakan kari. Ibu saya bilang kalau dulu waktu masih gadis, biji tsb direndam minyak kelapa untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut.

Saat ini saya telah menkonsumsi selama lebih dari 2 bulan. Dengan cara di cuci, di sangrai kemudian di blender (kering) sehingga menjadi bubuk. Atau bisa juga dengan cara langsung di blender tanpa disangrai untuk lebih berkhasiat. Cukup dengan 1 sendok teh (terserah secukupnya…) diseduh dgn air panas, diminum bersama dengan ampasnya, 3 kali sehari.

Khasiatnya……. Yang hilang malah penyakit maag saya. Kemudian frekwensi buang air kecil menjadi normal yang sebelumnya sering sekali. Untuk yang lainnya silahkan coba sendiri, ini hanya pengalaman saya pribadi.

Berikut disertakan sebagian situs-situs yang pernah saya kunjungi.

Each capsule contains (Diabetrol) :
Vanadyl Sulphate…………………….2 mg
Myoinositol………………………..60 mg
Non Yeast G.T.F. containing:
Chromium (trivalent)……………….50 mcg
Glutathione Complex………………..60 mg
Niacin……………………………15 mg
Fenugreek (subfraction)…………….300 mg
Rutin……………………………..50 mg

The patent
“A key provision of the patent involves providing novel compositions and methods for the extraction and separation of bio-active compounds/compositions of 4-hydroxyisoleucine from fenugreek seeds,” the company said.
The newly patented composition can be employed either synergistically or independently with insulin to stimulate receptors located on skeletal muscles, glucose transport proteins and facilitate the transport of glucose into muscle cells.

Kegunaan biji klabet ialah untuk meringankan sakit ginjal, gangguan usus, aprodisiaka, demam dan rematik. Biji klabet ini juga digunakan sebagai anti diabetes. Sehubungan dengan kegunaan sebagai anti diabetes, akan diuraikan beberapa informasi.

“The true benefits of fenugreek lie in its long history of medical uses. For centuries, spanning Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese Medicine and folk medicine, fenugreek has been used all over the world. Fenugreek has so many usages – almost too numerous to count, however, scientists have been able to narrow down fenugreek top two functions. Fenugreek has the ability to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. With its ability to lower blood sugar, fenugreek may hold a special interest by people who suffer from diabetes.”

The effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on blood glucose and the serum lipid profile was evaluated in insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetic patients. Isocaloric diets with and without fenugreek were each given randomly for 10 d. Defatted fenugreek seed powder (100 g), divided into two equal doses, was incorporated into the diet and served during lunch and dinner. The fenugreek diet significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and improved the glucose tolerance test. There was a 54 per cent reduction in 24-h urinary glucose excretion. Serum total cholesterol, LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides were also significantly reduced. The HDL cholesterol fraction, however, remained unchanged. These results indicate the usefulness of fenugreek seeds in the management of diabetes.

Several human intervention trials demonstrated that the antidiabetic effects of fenugreek seeds ameliorate most metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes in both humans and relevant animal models (Basch et al., 2003; Srinivas, 2005). Fenugreek is currently available commercially in encapsulated forms and is being prescribed as dietary supplements for the control of hypercholesterolemia and diabetes by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine.

Peace…sumber :

UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

FENUGREEK / HULBAH / الحلبـــــــة

fenugreek illustration

Trigonella foenum-graecum
Fam: Leguminosae

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Fenugreek is a native to India and southern Europe. For centuries it has grown wild in India, the Mediterranean and North Africa. where it is mainly cultivated. A limited crop grows in France. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to combat fever and grown in classical times as cattle fodder. Commercially, it is used in the preparation of mango chutneys and as a base for imitation maple syrup. In India it is used medicinally, and as a yellow dyestuff. It is also an oriental cattle fodder and is planted as a soil renovator. In the West, fenugreek’s therapeutic use is now largely confined to the treatment of animals, though historically. it has been used in human medicine. The name derives from the Latin ‘Greek hay” illustrating its classical use as fodder.

Spice Description
Fenugreek is the small stony seeds from the pod of a bean-like plant. The seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular. Some are oblong, some rhombic, other virtually cubic, with a side of about 3mm (1/8”). A deep furrow all but splits them in two. They are available whole and dried , or as a dull yellow powder, ground from the roasted seeds.
Bouquet: Warm and penetrating, becoming more pronounced when the seeds are roasted. Ground, they give off a ‘spicy’ smell, pungent, like an inferior curry powder which would probably contain too much fenugreek.
Flavour: Powerful, aromatic and bittersweet, like burnt sugar. There is a bitter aftertaste, similar to celery or lovage.
Hotness Scale: 2

Where to Buy Fenugreek on the Internet
For online purchases we recommend buying through one of the reputable dealers associated with Amazon and their trusted and secure online ordering system. Click here to shop for fenugreek.

Preparation and Storage
Dried seeds should be lightly roasted before using (don’t overdo it though, or they will become bitter). After roasting, they are easily ground. A small amount will complement many other spices, but too much can be overpowering. If the seeds are required as part of a curry paste they can be soaked overnight to swell and soften, and be easily mixed with the other ingredients.

Culinary Uses
The major use of fenugreek is in curry powders, figuring in many mixtures, especially vindaloo and the hot curries of Sri Lanka. It is an ingredient of Panch phoron, the Indian five-spice mixture. In home-made powders, the amount used can be controlled, but in cheap bought powders it often overpowers. When fish is curried, particularly strong-tasting fish such as tuna and mackerel, fenugreek is frequently included in the spice mixture. Many chutneys and pickles incorporate it and it gives a tangy aroma to vegetables. The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in meat curries, dhal and vegetable dishes and chutneys. The seeds are an ingredient of the Middle Eastern confection halva. Flour mixed with ground fenugreek makes a spicy bread. In India the roasted ground seeds are infused for a coffee substitute or adulterant. A tea can be made by infusing teaspoon of seed with two cups of water for five minutes.

Attributed Medicinal Properties
Fenugreek is a digestive aid. As an emollient it is used in poultices for boils, cysts and other complaints. Reducing the sugar level of the blood, it is used in diabetes in conjunction with insulin. It also lowers blood pressure. Fenugreek relieves congestion, reduces inflammation and fights infection. Fenugreek contains natural expectorant properties ideal for treating sinus and lung congestion, and loosens & removes excess mucus and phlegm. Fenugreek is also an excellent source of selenium, an anti-radiant which helps the body utilize oxygen. Fenugreek is a natural source of iron, silicon, sodium and thiamine. Fenugreek contains mucilagins which are known for soothing and relaxing inflamed tissues. Fenugreek stimulates the production of mucosal fluids helping remove allergens and toxins from the respiratory tract. Acting as an expectorant, Fenugreek alleviates coughing, stimulates perspiration to reduce fevers, and is beneficial for treating allergies, bronchitis and congestion. In the East, beverages are made from the seed to ease stomach trouble. The chemical make-up is curiously similar to cod liver oil, for which a decoction of the seed is sometimes used as a substitute. Many other properties are ascribed to it in India and the East and not surprisingly include aphrodisiac.

Fenugreek seeds contain alkaloids, including trigonelline, gentianine and carpaine compounds. The seeds also contain fiber, 4-hydroxyisoleucine and fenugreekine, a component that may have hypoglycemic activity. The mechanism is thought to delay gastric emptying, slow carbohydrate absorption and inhibit glucose transport.

Fenugreek may also increase the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells and improve glucose utilization in peripheral tissues, thus demonstrating potential anti-diabetes effects both in the pancreas and other sites. The amino acid 4- hydroxyisoleucine, contained in the seeds, may also directly stimulate insulin secretion.

Plant Description and Cultivation
An erect hairy annual of the bean family, reaching 30-60 cm (1-2 ft.). The long slender stems bear tripartite, toothed, grey-green obovate leaves, 20-25 mm (3/4-1 in) long. The root is a mass of fingery structures. The sissile axillary flowers are white or pale yellow. The thin, sword-shaped pods are 10-15 cm (4-6 in), with a curved beak-like tip, each carrying 10-20 seeds. The plant radiates a spicy odour which persists on the hands after touching. Wild and cultivated varieties exist. Mild Mediterranean climates are most suitable. Plants mature in about four months. The whole plant is uprooted and allowed to dry. The seeds are threshed out and further dried.

Other Names
Bird’s Foot, Foenugreek, Goat’s Horn
French: fenugrec Sénegré, trigonelle
German: Bockshornklee, Griechisches Heu
Italian: fieno greco
Spanish: alholva, fenogreco
Indian: mayti, methe, methi
Tamil: venthium
Malay: alba
Sinhalese; uluhaal

FENUGREEK / HULBAH / الحلبـــــــة

What is fenugreek? – Fenugreek is one of the world’s oldest medicinal herbs. It has a variety of uses, including increasing breastmilk production.

Fenugreek is the small stony seeds from the pod of a bean-like plant. The seeds are hard, yellowish brown and angular. Some are oblong, some rhombic, other virtually cubic, with a side of about 3mm (1/8″). A deep furrow all but splits them in two. They are available whole and dried , or as a dull yellow powder, ground from the roasted seeds.
Bouquet: Warm and penetrating, becoming more pronounced when the seeds are roasted. Ground, they give off a ‘spicy’ smell, pungent, like an inferior curry powder which would probably contain too much fenugreek.
Flavor: Powerful, aromatic and bittersweet, like burnt sugar. There is a bitter aftertaste, similar to celery or lovage.

Where does it grow?
– Fenugreek is indigenous to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but it is grown in India, Morocco, Egypt and England. The herb can grow to be about two feet tall. It blooms white flowers in the summer and has very aromatic seeds.

What is it used for
? – Fenugreek seeds are ground and roasted and used to flavor to curry. The seeds are also soaked and then powdered and used to make lip balm and tonic. The seeds can be used to make tea, which can reduce fever and menstrual pains, or they can be used in an ointment to treat skin infections. The seeds have also been used to increase libido in men and serve as an aphrodisiac. Ground seeds are often used to give a maple flavor to sweets and candies. Ground seeds are also used to flavor cattle food, including different vegetable meals and hays. Fenugreek’s leaves, which are high in iron, are used in salads. Taken internally, fenugreek is used to treat bronchitis, coughs, respiratory problems, sinus conditions and to increase milk supply (see more below).

Fenugreek in history – The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used Fenugreek for medicinal and culinary purposes. According to Kathleen E. Huggins, RN, MS, director of the Breastfeeding Clinic at San Luis Obispo General Hospital, fenugreek was one of the major ingredients of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a popular 19th century cure-all for “female complaints.”

Fenugreek and breastfeeding – Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother’s milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb. Once an adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach.

Fenugreek is not right for everyone. The herb has caused aggravated asthma symptoms in some women and has lowered blood glucose levels in some women with diabetes. Please read Fenugreek Precautions and Dr. Ruth Lawrence’s article Herbs and Breastfeeding for more information on fenugreek.




  1. ^ “Trigonella foenum-graecum information from NPGS/GRIN”. Retrieved 2008-03-13.
  2. ^ Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf, Domestication of plants in the Old World, third edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 122.
  3. ^ V. A. Parthasarathy, K. Kandinnan and V. Srinivasan, ed. Organic Spices. New India Publishing Agenies. pp. 694.
  4. ^ Statistics
  5. ^ Keritot 6a; Horiyot 12a; Rabbenu Nissim at the end of Rosh Hashana, citing the custom of R Hai Gaon. This follows Rashi’s translation of רוביא, cited as authoritative by Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 583:1. But Avudraham interprets רוביא as black-eyed peas.
  6. ^ Chantry, Caroline J.; Howard, Cynthia R.; Montgomery, Anne; Wight, Nancy (2004) ([dead link]Scholar search), Use of galactogogues in initiating or augmenting maternal milk supply, The Academy Of Breastfeeding Medicine,
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^ Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids in type I diabetes
  10. ^

UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

Fenugreek Extract (4 – Hydroxyisoleucine)

Introduction :
4 – Hydroxyisoleucine is an amino acid extracted from the Fenugreek seeds which is devoid of characteristic smell and bitter taste that of fenugreek seeds and leaves. These natural active chemicals extracted from Fenugreek seed is highly unstabilised and once exposed to air and moisture starts to degrade. Hence it is stabilised for long shelf life and packed under Nitrogen atmosphere. Numerous animal studies and preliminary trials in humans have found that fenugreek seed extract called 4-Hydroxyisolucein can help support healthy blood sugar and serum cholesterol levels in people with diabetes. 4-Hydroxyisoleucine is now widely used in the nutraceutical industries as an insulinotropic & anti diabetic compound.

Extraction Process :
A study was made of the enzyme in fenugreek implicated in the biosynthesis of 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which is an unusual amino acid known for its insulin stimulating effect. 4-hydroxyisoleucine was detected by HPLC following isoleucine incubation with a cell-free extract from etiolated 6-day old fenugreek seedlings in the presence of various cofactors. The reaction showed that 4-hydroxyisoleucine formation is dependent on the presence of Fe2+, 2-oxoglutarate, ascorbate, and oxygen. This suggests that a 2-oxoacid-dependent dioxygenase plays a key role in this biosynthetic pathway.

Active Principle :

  1. 4-hydroxyisoleucine in Fenugreek extract plays a valuable role in insulin promotion and glucose regulation, which may help to reduce body fat.

  2. 4-hydroxyisoleucine has a nutrient partitioning effect, which means it may help to shuttle nutrients to muscle cells preferentially over fat cells.

  3. 4-hydroxyisoleucine appears to be glucose dependent. The higher the blood glucose level is, the greater the insulin promoting response elicited by 4-hydroxyisoleucine. By helping to regulate insulin needs, 4-hydroxyisoleucine works as an adaptogen.

Bulk Fenugreek Seeds

Uses of Fenugreek Extract :

  1. Research has shown that 4 – Hydroxyisoleucine helps lower blood sugar in diabetics.

  2. 4 – Hydroxyisoleucine indirectly helps to lower the levels of triglycerides.

  3. 4 – Hydroxyisoleucine indirectly helps reduce weight.

Other Uses :
The fenugreek seed extract is also used commercially in artificial flavorings such as vanilla, caramel, butterscotch and especially maple syrup.

4 – Hydroxyisoleucine :
Branched chain amino acid found in the seeds of Fenugreek

  • (2S, 3R, 4S) 4 – Hydroxyisoleucine is a major isomer.

  • (2R, 3R, 4S) 4 – Hydroxyisoleucine is a minor isomer.

Other compounds

  • Lactones.

  • Other Amino acids like Isoleucine, Leucine and Argenine.

Importance points to Note :

  • If separation and measurement of 4-Hydroxyisoleucine is not good by HPLC, total amino acids get reported as 4-Hydroxyisoleucine.

  • 4-Hydroxyisoleucine gets oxidized to 2-Keto-3Methyl-4Hydroxy Valeric Acid in contact with air, water, heat and light with characteristic strong odor.

  • Stabilization is very important for self-life.

  • Due to instability the material develops a very strong odor due to formation of oxidized product.

  • Characteristic strong odor is the way to identify this material.

  • Bitterness is caused by the presence of Saponins from fenugreek seed.

We can offer :

  • 40% Assay 4-Hydroxyisoleucine.

  • 20% Assay 4-Hydroxyisoleucine.

These are natural products extracted from Fenugreek seed and packed under Nitrogen Atmosphere.

Once opened it degrades in contact with air and moisture.

We can also offer “stabilized deodorized and debitterised.”

  • 14% Assay 4-Hydroxyisoleucine.

  • 20% Assay 4-Hydroxyisoleucine.

This does not have characteristic smell and bitter taste. This is stabilized for long self-life.

Highlights of Our Product :

  • ISO 9000 certified manufacturing unit.
  • Organic raw material through dedicated farmers and supplier of raw-material.
  • cGMP, manufacturing and Good Lab Practice.
  • Quality specification, with microbial level less than 300 CFU/g and free from yeast, mold and other contaminants.
  • Free from any heavy metal Content.
  • Only available in Bulk (minimum quantity 100 Kg)
  • Customized and contract manufacturing as per customer requirement.
  • UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
    @MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

Fenugreek Natural Fibers

Introduction :
We eat far too little fiber. Vegetarians have more Natural fibers in their diet than the meat eaters. Vegetables and fruits contain the Natural fibers which play an important role in maintaining a proper digestion. Natural fibers are essentially of two types: Soluble and Insoluble. Fenugreek seeds are rich in both the types of Natural fibers. Much of the hypoglycemic effect of fenugreek seeds in clinical studies is likely due to the inhibitory effects of mucilaginous fibers on glucose absorption.

Our daily intake of fiber should range from 25 to 35 grams per day for adults. Yet, most of us eat less than 10 grams.

How is Natural Fiber essential for proper function on our body ?
One valuable effect of fiber is mechanical: adequate intake decreases the transit time of food traveling through our digestive tract. Fiber absorbs water, so stools are naturally larger, softer, and easier to be moved through. Faster transit time means less contact time for toxins and a reduced risk of colon problems. And, with less straining required to pass a softer stool, the probability of developing hemorrhoids is usually reduced.

At the same time, soluble fiber delays stomach emptying. This in turn delays and spreads out the absorption of sugar, resulting in a more normal pattern of insulin secretion as well as better control of blood sugar.

Fiber also binds cholesterol and bile in the digestive tract, preventing their reabsorption and re-circulation. If less cholesterol is absorbed, its level in the blood goes down. The liver makes bile from cholesterol and if more bile is lost in the gut, the liver will use up cholesterol to replace the bile, again resulting in lower cholesterol levels.

Fiber also binds and reduces the absorption of dietary fat, which can help with weight control. Decreased fat absorption also means decreased absorption of fat soluble toxins and this may help to explain a decreased risk of breast and prostate cancer with higher fiber intake noted by some researchers.

Fiber stimulates the secretion of the hormone cholecystokinin, which alerts the brain that we’ve had enough to eat. High fiber meals also tend to be bulkier and contain fewer calories.

A diet high in fiber promotes the production of short chain fatty acids, which in turn results in a more acidic colon and a healthy population of “friendly” bacteria. This facilitates detoxification and bolsters our natural defenses against parasites and fungi.

Through its beneficial effects on weight, cholesterol and glucose metabolism, higher fiber intake is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Fiber is generally associated with protecting against colon cancer, with the suggestion that increasing fiber intake about an additional 13 grams per day could reduce over 30% of colorectal cancer in the U.S.Researchers are evaluating fiber’s role relative to cancers at other sites, including the male prostate.

Content of Natural fiber in fenugreek seed :
Dietary fibers are indigestible complex carbohydrate obtained from plants, but essential ingredient in a healthy diet. Some are soluble to form gel and others form insoluble roughage. While most fruits and vegetables have insoluble fibers, legumes (guar, fenugreek, beans) have soluble fiber. Fenugreek is endospermic. Nearly 50% dry weight of seeds as well as SDF is edible dietary fiber, making it the highest concentration among all natural sources of fiber. About 30% of SDF (w/w) is gel-forming SOLUBLE fibers similar to guar gum, psyllium husk and oat bran. The INSOLUBLE fiber (20% of SDF), is bulk-forming like wheat bran.

Bulk Fenugreek powder

comparision of Fiber content in some major food grains :


Source Total Fiber Soluble Fiber Insoluble Fiber Protein Fat
Fenugreek Seeds 46 – 48% 20 – 28% 18 – 24% 26 – 30% 4 – 8%
Soya Bean 20% 15 – 18% 3 – 5% 40 – 43% 19%
Oats 15 – 18% 7 – 8% 7 – 8% 14 – 19% N/A
Wheat 12% 1 – 3% 9 – 11% 10 – 12% 1 – 3%
Guar Bean 40% 25% 15% 28% 10 – 15%
Psyllium seed 24 – 26% 24 – 25% 1 – 2% 5% Trace

Fenugreek Powder

We are Bulk Exporters of Fenugreek Dried Seeds, Fenugreek Powder, Organic Fenugreek Seeds and Powder, Fenugreek Extract Powder (4 – Hydroxyisoleucine) and Capsule from India. We are Fenugreek suppliers to some leading traders, distributors and manufacturers at USA, European country, Middle East countries, Japan, Malaysia and South America. Our Fenugreek from India is cultivated by the Tribal of Orissa practicing Organic farming. Our Farmers are Organic certified by SKAL International. Our Annual production of Organic Fenugreek is 1000 M.T Demand for Fenugreek in the world market is growing due to increasing consumption of spices and supportive research on Fenugreek as a powerful Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant properties. Fenugreek has also wide applicability in cosmetics, food supplements, pharmacy and natural colors. Our Fenugreek (Trigonela foenum graecum) and Organic Fenugreek undergoes strict quality control, and is free from any pesticide and heavy metal residue. There is strict microbiological testing to ensure that our Fenugreek confirms to WHO standards.

Introduction :
The seeds of fenugreek contain many active biological chemicals many it a potent medicinal and nutraceutical supplement. Fenugreek seeds are bitter in taste and has a strong and quite peculiar odor, hence, used in a very small quantity as a spice. The Powdered fenugreek seed has a beautiful golden yellow color due to its coloring agent called coumadine. That is why fenugreek seeds were used for a yellow dye by ancient Indians and Egyptians.

History :
Fenugreek seed powder has been used for centuries as a spice to increase the taste of curries by the Indian and the Chinese. This Fenugreek seed powder was first introduced to the Arabs and the Europeans through Spice Trading. Medicinally it was used for the treatment of wounds, abscesses, arthritis, bronchitis, and digestive problems. Traditional Chinese herbalists used it for kidney problems and conditions affecting the male reproductive tract. Fenugreek was, and remains, a food and a spice commonly eaten in many parts of the world.

Process of Manufacturing of Fenugreek Powder :
To make fenugreek powder the fresh fenugreek seeds are collected, cleaned to remove the physical impurities, like adhered soil and dirt. Then it is dried and gounded to make into powdered form. Fenugreek powder is packed with aseptic measures for storage and transportation.

Bulk Fenugreek powder

Active Constituents and Proposed Mechanism of Action :

  • The steroidal saponins account for many of the beneficial effects of fenugreek, particularly the inhibition of cholesterol absorption and synthesis.

  • The seeds are rich in dietary fiber, which may be the main reason they can lower blood sugar levels in diabetes.

  • Amino acides like 4-hydroxyisoleucine helps lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

  • Fenugreek seeds yields nicotinic acid alkaloid with roasting.

  • Fenugreek seeds contain a high percentage of mucilage in the coatings of seed which promotes evacuation of intestinal contents. Hence, fenugreek is a mild but effective laxative.

Uses of Fenugreek seed Powder :
Internal uses :

  • Fenugreek is used internally to stimulate appetite.

  • Tea made from Fenugreek seeds is equal in value to quinine in reducing fevers. Fenugreek used with lemon juice and honey also helps reduce fevers.

  • Fenugreek tea has a soothing effect on the inflamed stomach and intestines. It cleans the stomach, bowls and kidneys. It helps healing peptic ulcers by providing coating of mucilaginous matter.

  • Fenugreek has been used fairly extensively by lactation consultants to increase milk production in nursing mothers.

  • The ground seeds are used also to give a maple-flavouring to confectionery and nearly all cattle like the flavour of Fenugreek in their forage.

External uses :

  • It has also been used as external poultice to control inflammation.

  • The powder of seeds are utilized to an enormous extent in the manufactures of condition powders for horses and cattle.

  • Funugreek is the principal ingredient in most of the quack nostrums which find so much favour among grooms and horsekeepers. It has a powerful odour of coumarin and is largely used for flavouring cattle foods and to make damaged hay palatable.

Other Uses :

  • Fenugreek seeds are also used in candy, baked goods, ice cream, chewing gum and soft drinks. The seeds can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute.

  • Fenugreek leaves are dried and used as an insect repellent in grain storage.

Dose Recommendation :

  • A daily intake of 6 grams of fenugreek seed powder is recommendated commonly.

  • The typical range of intake for diabetes or cholesterol-lowering is 5–30 grams with each meal or 15–90 grams all at once with one meal.

  • As a tincture, 3–4 ml of fenugreek can be taken up to TID.

  • UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797
    @MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster